Sep 24, 2008

I love mornings like this!

Oh no, it's 6:45 a.m. and everyone is still in bed! I set the alarm but it decided to play a joke on me just to watch me scramble and that's just what I did. My poor husband didn't know what hit him. I only had enough time to give him a heads up that translated, "Sorry sucka, you're on your own! As I drug all the kids out of bed and we started our daily routine of "getting ready" I could hear that 70's song , Freak Out, in my head. Time ran out quickly and with seconds to spare, I finally got myself together if you can really call it that. I crammed all the kids in the van and headed for school. I was so bummed that our usual parking space was occupied so began the treacherous journey. I searched and searched and found a perfect spot to unload the tribe! We zigzagged along the sidewalk and finally made it to the classroom. I was at peace knowing that the twins were safe and sound and not late! It was nice not having that adrenaline rush anymore and slowing down enough to take time talk to a friend. I get to see her every morning, she's the crossguard for the school. I love seeing her because she always has a beautiful smile and in the midst of chaos she makes time to gesture and lets you know she cares. I sometimes have the opportunity to chat with her and this morning she was radiant! She said that she loved mornings like this and you could tell right away that God was blessing his little princess in a way that ministered to just her. I was so encouraged to see that amongst all the transitions she is facing at the moment, she really took time to basque in being thankful. We ended our conversation as we usually do, just laughing. When I arrived home God was already tapping on my heart to spend time with Him. I'm finally learning that this is a good thing when I make time to do it because its so rewarding. So I gave Kaleb and Lyddia something productive to do while I poured my coffee and looked for something healthy to eat. As I opened the pantry, I didn't see anything that would suffice but then my eyes focused on one of my favorite things, Chili Cheese Fritos! So with joy abundantly dancing a jig in my heart I realized more than anything we need to remember that God eagerly waits for us to slow down and hear what He has to say. And there is so much blessing in that! I don't know exactly how God touched my friend but I know He did and who knew that coffee and Fritos would touch my heart in such a way to bring joy. Regardless, please take the time to slow down and look into God's face and hear what He is saying to you or just sit there and let Him love on you with His promises. And I promise you, you won't regret it!


pondering said...

Coffee and chili cheese fritos? LOL!
I guess God blesses each one of us in our own special way. That is very cute.
Your life sounds so blessed and full right now, enjoy every moment!