Jul 31, 2009

Well Bless My Pointed Li'l Head

Well obviously from my Facebook msg I did not wake up in the best mood. "Walking the "green mile" to make breakfast" wouldn't sound good to anyone just grumbling. And it seems that mood was the mood I've had most of the day, sadly. I was hoping my oldest dtr, B, would be over her cold by now but she climbed into bed with me just as miserable as the day before. And being depleted of my usual energy, I had to break the sad news that I didn't feel up to taking J and L to the last day of VBS. Well I was hopeful that at least the "furnace guy" would come over and do his job but not so. You see, I should've known when he rescheduled to come that he wasn't going to keep his word but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I waited for him to arrive at 1p like he said and he was a no show. I called him to confirm he was still coming and he said he was going to pick up a part he needed and be over. And I waited...and waited...and waited. I complained to the Lord and told Him, "...that's why its hard for me to trust because some people don't keep their word." Well needless to say I didn't feel better about the situation. I didn't want to talk to God anymore, I was hanging up the phone! And then I had a thought, "Why don't you pray?" My response was, "I don't feel like it and nothing is going to happen anyway!" Well I did, finally, and ask that God would be faithful to me even if some people aren't. And I kid you not, the phone rang and the supervisor apologized on behalf of the "furnace guy" and said he would be out on Sat. to service the furnace. Although I still feel like crap, at least I don't have anyone to blame and I can go to sleep tonight knowing that God is faithful. I hate when I let things bug me and control my attitude. But I'm slowly learning that the sooner I surrender the fault the better the outcome will be. Thank you Lord for being faithful and blessing me even on a crappy day.


Anonymous said...

I understand this. miss ya.